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[Tools] 外贸教程之二:Western Union 西联汇款服务如何汇款 直接到账汇款服务

本帖最后由 jim9 于 2010-11-18 03:21 编辑 ) G0 f/ r0 k: b/ _, g. Y! W* ~

/ K+ y* K1 c% H- ^4 N, a9 r: J如何汇款
7 c: U- j6 k/ g: d; Z: }0 {* ?这非常简单。只需到最近的西联合作网点(例如:中国邮政储蓄银行、中国农业银行、中国光大银行、浙江稠州商业银行、吉林银行和哈尔滨银行),填写您的详细信息,其余的工作由我们为您完成。西联汇款在全球共有382,0001 多个合作网点遍及200多个国家,所以很可能在您附近的银行或邮局就设有办事处5 Y" J8 X- [3 l  z/ T

2 R9 E, t! M. b7 I! I  s9 }$ o* O/ x
  • 填写汇款表单 . {+ x, w+ r1 R' m8 ?8 F' v( I$ ~" }8 L, i, O0 R' D: J0 p
    填写为您提供的表单,然后向合作伙伴出示由政府发行的身份证或其它证件。要了解更多信息,请拔打中国地区热线 800 820 8668 (不适用于手机,仅限于中国国内免付费2) 或 (86) 21 6866 4610(收费)/ G$ E: `* E7 C* E& C
    直接到账汇款服务 - 新加坡的顾客们现在可以汇款到中国的银行卡帐户 -汇款人应在新加坡的某一西联合作网点填写直接到账汇款表单,并提供收汇人的必要信息,包括收汇人的姓名、电话号码及银行卡账户信息(包括银行名称和银行卡号码)3。) D9 H/ g1 u. \* P& U
  • 支付汇款手续费 " j& [. ]8 M8 T4 l/ p, z: Q5 X
    , `& c/ X) h% }0 ?- V
    将要汇出的款额连同必要的服务费用4一起交给合作伙伴。7 _+ N5 |0 e" D6 y3 M
  • 签名并接收收据 " F" `. N% m" \1 Q4 L0 M
    + D1 _  K7 \% J- j
  • 通知收款人 9 Q; L5 ~) O5 _  _: d1 L/ L7 \6 y
    现在应与您的收款人取得联系,将一些必要信息告诉他/她,如汇款人姓名、汇款金额、汇款监控号码(MTCN)和汇款国家/地区。0 D& f. M7 o' D3 |1 N
    直接到账汇款服务 - 新加坡的顾客们现在可以汇款到中国的银行卡帐户* u. w# |1 ]! L) l1 q
    如您第一次使用直接发汇至中国的银行卡账户的服务,请注意收汇人应在中国时间早8:00-晚8:00之间拨打中国服务热线 800 820 8050 (不适用于手机,仅限于中国国内免付费2)。
    $ d% G6 h' I+ k: F/ x
    . K$ v. ~- O" Q6 `! P5 @7 r( i核实如下信息:
    • 收汇人的中文名字
    • 汇款监控号码 (MTCN)
    • 收汇人的有效身份证号码
    • 收汇银行名称和银行卡账号
    # ?1 L  |% C# r: w! N* q" N5 X  ~
    同一收汇人此后通过同一银行卡账户使用直接到账汇款服务,则不需再拨打中国服务热线核实必要信息。但如果收汇人的必要信息有所改变(例如,汇款至同一银行的另一银行卡账户),则需要拨打中国服务热线,核实其必要信息。$ b, I$ A; f, b0 j
  • 跟踪汇款 & s  P/ V% E/ h$ b; m. q
    ( g' d! F! @3 m, R$ l  ?转到我们网站主页上的 "跟踪" 链接。然后可通过键入您姓名的拼音(汇款人姓名)和汇款监控码(MTCN)来跟踪汇款的状态。* R5 `" l4 \3 c7 Q( ~' r
    ! e8 n5 K- |3 g+ [您还可以拔打中国地区热线 800 820 8668 (不适用于手机,仅限于中国国内免付费2) 或 (86) 21 6866 4610(收费)来了解您的汇款状态。
    4 @' ^: K8 d* k9 x4 W/ y, y查询直接到账汇款服务(目前我们只提供从新加坡汇至中国的该汇款服务),请拨打中国地区热线 800 820 8050 (不适用于手机,仅限于中国国内免付费2)1 Y1 o0 F% V8 I

  x8 ^' I4 h8 @4 A& D
$ z* F5 _: N+ R. H5 S
1 在某些国家/地区,尚未提供汇款服务,客户只能接收汇款。这是截至2010年6月30日的网络数据。
5 [, I1 Y7 e; i% L+ `$ i% S' p2 受限于适用的电话服务商的费用(如有)。$ W4 n/ o/ c2 \, z6 \2 z
3 a)首次采用直接到账汇款服务的收汇人需拨打中国服务热线 800 820 8050 (不适用于手机,仅限于中国国内免付费2),核实发汇人信息(如发汇人的姓名、汇款监控号码和发出汇款之国家)及收汇人信息(如收汇人的姓名、电话号码和银行账户信息)。
" ?+ p6 ~% S- ^1 M* u9 r' o: u8 d( Tb)收汇人首次直接到账汇款交易通常需要24-72小时到达收汇人的银行账户,但受限于收汇人与中国服务热线确认必要信息的时间、银行营业时间、银行和当地的节日,以及其它限制。
3 ]5 j. ?+ s2 d, Sc)发汇人提供的收汇人姓名和银行卡账户信息必须和到达银行记录的收汇人信息完全一致。若提供的信息不符,或发汇人提供不完整或难于辨认的银行信息或银行卡号码,汇款将无法到达银行卡账户。此种情况下,西联将向发汇人退回汇款金额但仍收取汇款手续费。
. N0 E1 e* T+ g% q  e. h. xd)如果收汇人被要求核实其必要信息但在第三个银行工作日(自发汇之日算起)中国时间下午四点前仍未进行信息核实,汇款将被拒绝。7 v8 P5 s4 d% M5 P- t
; e; Z$ o4 C( V# f( ]f)西联或合作伙伴不会通知发汇人及收汇人汇款已经到指定的银行卡账户。
% R. o/ y0 }2 Y- B, `4 如果是向国外汇款,除手续费外,西联在将当地货币兑换成外国货币时所产生之汇差获利。
3 g8 N, h: @6 a" t  U9 f. \  F  K' E) O4 Z$ t& m, N
From: http://www.westernunion.cn/sc/how_to_send.php2 b$ v, O/ b8 w% N8 {

  D3 z4 ]4 T- s- s英文版:9 d, G* d6 v) l* W* S

4 W# n' k" l/ U. ^! j; LSend Money . t. j) b7 B0 S  D1 B' ^& Q
Send a money transfer online or at an Agent and your receiver can pick up the money at participating Agent locations around the world. It’s a convenient and easy way to transfer money.
9 x, Y: [) ?: Q& {8 s2 @  z0 u; C
When you need to send money fast, count on Western Union® Money Transfer. You choose how: by our Website, or in person at our Agent locations.
  • After approval, your money arrives in minutes
  • Your receivers can pick up the money right away (depending on the hours their Agent location is open)
  • Your receiver must show an ID to pick up the money.
  • Send money around the world

5 I# ?$ X3 E1 e( b  OSend Online Use our site to transfer money to almost anywhere in the world.
  • Use your United Kingdom bank-issued Visa®, Visa Electron®, MasterCard®, Maestro®, Solo® or Delta® card.
  • Conveniently available 24 hours a day
  • How to send a money transfer online
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Send Now

+ [$ K/ L2 {% ~- U4 VSend Online Next Day Next Day Service is now available when sending to India and Pakistan. Money will be available at any Agent location ten hours after money is sent. : Y1 i  r# Z0 R+ }; h
! h/ }" _2 k. ?% N
  • Send Now
1 f( u1 M' {0 J/ M0 B3 ?4 Y" C
Send from an Agent Location Send money anytime, anywhere from one of our Agent locations around the world.
1 _5 \2 |* v" o" b- ~  Q" Y1 c1 o: L% d2 X
  • How to send a money transfer at an Agent location
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Find a nearby Agent location

4 e$ F# h3 d9 n" YBy Phone The convenience of sending money is only a phone call away. Our customer service representatives will assist you with all the details and your funds will be on the way quickly.
* A' Y* P( ~! o. n. w
  • Transfer money over the telephone - using our free-phone 0800 833 833
  • Use your UK based Visa®, MasterCard®, Switch® or Solo® credit or debit card number to complete the transaction.
  • Available 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily
$ }# H. F' g7 T
1 g% [% M7 i5 A) m9 b. Q, N
Call Now -- 0800 833 833. Y; c/ V/ _2 J! b2 ^
How to send money by phone ; u" Q, g) k* k* L: `! ?
Frequently Asked Questions 4 Y1 t- G& _& i! b) r. l
What you need to know about sending a money transfer 8 \! V) }/ g5 R% @
Currency available Money transfers to the UK are paid out in:
  • Pound Sterling

- u+ b2 D3 W6 ]* `$ v1 l/ X2 \; K1 Q' M. |$ s$ I

& O9 m5 W9 W  G5 wRestrictions and Special Notes
- F5 f" A. R: R% q* P# v# D* K
Sending from United Kingdom:
  • Senders must present an acceptable document(s) showing evidence of identity for amounts over £600.
  • For amounts of £2,000 and over, Senders must present 2 forms of acceptable document(s) showing evidence of identity (see details below).
  • All AMEX locations will only accept cash up to $1,000 US dollars or local equivalent. Any higher amount sent will have to be paid using an alternative payment method (card or check).
  • Identification will be required for every transfer.
  • Transfers sent from United Kingdom cannot include a Test Question for payout without identification.

' j6 U* b1 T2 m! n2 QReceiving in United Kingdom:
  • Receivers must present acceptable document(s) showing evidence of identity.
  • For payouts of £2,000 and over, receivers must present 2 acceptable documents showing evidence of identity (see details below).
  • Test Question is not available for payout in United Kingdom.
  • Receiver must present correct Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN).

6 P) }  a+ o9 j: H$ e' j8 V' G1 fGeneral Information:
  • Money transfers are restricted to people 17 years and older.
  • Acceptable documentation showing evidence of identity
For transactions from £600 to £1,999.99: one form of primary identification verifying the full name.6 r  [" @/ Y, Q2 J5 K
4 w+ O2 W% Q6 h8 X: V! \4 H
For transactions from £600 to £1,999.99, where no primary ID is presented: one form of primary identification verifying the full name (Birth Certificate, etc) and one form of non-primary identification verifying the current/permanent address (Utility Bill, a letter from a hostel manager confirming temporary residence, etc).

2 q2 H4 ^  x* v' ^' m% G0 H, }4 ~
* E! |; l" q; f: h: ZFor transactions from £2,000 and above: one form of identification verifying the full name and one form of identification verifying the current/permanent address. The same document must not be used to verify both name and address.
. W3 \! {# P9 \3 L
From:https://www.westernunion.co.uk/W ... .do?method=load&;pagename=osMoneyTransfer

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