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[Tools] [应用]Kloxo Lxadmin 申请无限域名

本帖最后由 jim9 于 2010-12-26 01:56 编辑
7 ?" g6 Y/ v# n) l
) t: d/ p% B3 ?3 y. xKloxo/Lxadmin申请无限域名默认安装的Kloxo/Lxadmin最多只可以绑定40个域名,这个一般个人使用的话足够了,如果需要申请无限域名,可以按照下面的方法操作$ u& a) E1 p+ p% d
) l* E! V" F3 V7 ]9 y1 q* B. |
3 S( ]  l  j; K. d* y" bhttp://lxlabs.com/register/) ?( K- S6 J6 M2 m: w) O
% n+ b6 q& x* x& f# k  j

3 @% U" i) h3 w注册之后会提示:Registration Successful. Mail was sent to contact address: xxxxxx@xxxxxx.com
! i' f/ l/ d2 g8 ?8 h( j9 m7 e查看注册的邮箱,会收到一封包含用户名和密码的邮件引用:
7 [. k% g" D4 H3 V4 V
Your account has been created with the following details:9 I5 T$ E' F* o, A  t
Username:        用户名% A+ c# y! C  Z# v7 I/ y
Password:        密码; J7 d) [( {9 ^. C
To log in immediately, follow this link, using your username and password:
2 m) Q: m2 `, o* b5 f, H0 _https://client.lxlabs.com  O1 l6 x* q: p3 x
You can start using hyperVM/Lxadmin without making any payment. You will be sent a paypal invoice later for the actual licenses you create in the system, for a flat fee of 50cents/vps/month for both lxadmin and hypervm together.1 X5 r7 k2 ]3 p# ~, D1 v
number_of_servers: Unlimited
0 q; W$ x: U, A5 I% nnumber_of_domains: Unlimited, D2 e$ z+ t& d( `' M/ p& J
number_of_monitored_ports: Unlimited
! e4 E( F: s5 w/ q) \3 e" Dnumber_of_Vpses: Unlimited
; @& v* G& A7 Y* r; w1 bYou can download lxadmin/hyperVM from http://download.lxlabs.com
0 x" M9 c# c9 l5 hFor help regarding Lxadmin/HyperVM installation, please see http://lxlabs.com/software/lxadmin/install Or
4 [6 A9 P. H) s, M1 ~http://lxlabs.com/software/hypervm/install
/ _  Y& k" j2 e3 UFlash Demo Help for License Management, Please see, http://lxlabs.com/doc/license.html
) I7 t! e  O2 U1 W! u. T+ lVisit our forum to clarify any issues you have with Lxadmin/HyperVM  http://lxlabs.com/forum/

  H0 N, P2 r  y8 j打开https://client.lxlabs.com:5557/login/( s3 V9 z4 T, ^+ k0 W
输入邮件中的用户名和密码登录,点击Kloxo Licenses如图
' [: _/ W. l' ?9 E. F
( ^" a5 E& b7 F1 ^, W4 l# b8 {) u" o! U* I. z
然后点击Add Kloxo License" H2 r' d) ]5 p: W( k
" S. f/ v; e, k' q+ y+ Y
看到下面的图,就是完成了9 d' e, z' K, l+ ?

1 G' m, X/ Q& X* _点击Password菜单,可以修改刚注册时系统的随机密码。好了,我们最后登录Kloxo/Lxadmin更新授权即可$ A- M  \* z  J) q* F
3 \. f9 Y/ \9 Y& V* j9 a9 U( A& Q
点击Update License From Lxlabs+ X& j3 g/ S" h1 v0 r& n

& [1 J% J4 p& r- e4 @- m% J  ^激活后都是无限截图8 u8 C+ k/ i/ ^

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